
Showing posts from May, 2016

Basic life cycle of AngularJs

Below is a basic life cycle of AngularJs: Main page start the execution Module loaded Controller loaded Request sent to controller Controller Initiated Function Initiated and Executed Controller back to main page

What does generics in c#

Definition : Generics means allows to defining a class or method without particular any data type. It is a improve performance, productivity and type-safety. It is also said parametric polymorphism. It is most commonly use with collections like linked lists, arrays, stacks, queues, hash tables, enumerable queryable, trees etc. Perform operations such as add and delete items from the collection with regardless of the data type. Benefits : Casting is not required for accessing items from the collection Type-safe while execution Reusable code for multiple types of data Improve the performance and productivity Boxing and Unboxing are not required Where List<T> collection class is an example for generic class that can be used for add, remove and search an item of any type (T) that passed as parameter to it. Examples :    class SampleClass1<T> : IDisposable     {         public void D...

Multiple foreign keys within same table using code frist enitty framework and navigation property

Multiple foreign keys within same table using code frist enitty framework and navigation property in parent table In this example show you, how to work with multiple foreign key reference to the same table using Code First Entity Framework and Navigation Property First we need to create a two table User and contactNumber, where User table is primary table and contactNumber is a secondary table public class User {      [ DatabaseGenerated ( DatabaseGeneratedOption .Identity)]      public int Id { get ; set ; }      public string Name { get ; set ; }      public virtual ICollection < ContactNumbers > contactNumbers { get ; set ; } } public class ContactNumber {      [ DatabaseGenerated ( DatabaseGeneratedOption .Identity)] ...

Match substring surrounded by known prefix and suffix using regex in c#

Add prefix and/or suffix to substring using regex match using c# Example 1: string strline = "This is 123 test string"; strline = Regex.Replace(strline, @"([\d])", "[$1]"); Console.WriteLine(strline); Out Put: is [1][2][3] test string Example 2: string strline = "That's first [good] mark_test"; strline  = Regex.Replace(strline, @"([^A-Za-z0-9 ])", "\\$1"); Console.WriteLine(strline); Out Put: That\'s first \[good\] mark\_test Example 3: string strline = "Hello [123] Frinds"; strline  = Regex.Replace(strline, @"([^\[])(\[\d+\])(.*)", "$1xxxxxxxxx $2 xxxxxxxxx$3"); Console.WriteLine(strline); Out Put:    Hello xxxxxxxxx [123] xxxxxxxxx Frinds Note: In this example $1, $2, $3 means respective value of match group

Send mail using gmail account from C#

            try             {                 //Creating the object of MailMessage                 MailMessage message = new MailMessage();                 //Creating the object of SmtpClient                 SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();                 //To Emial Address                 message.To.Add(new MailAddress("To Email Address"));                 //From Email Address                 message.From = new MailAddress("From Email Address");                 //It is a subject of your email                 mess...